This is the first episode of the FINAL PIECE TALK. In these video series, Orange Klik founder Augustas Kligys and an Amazon seller & coach Olav Vannik talk about different business-related topics.

In this video, we talk about how Olav Vannik went from selling his products door to door in Los Angeles to 50K a month selling on Amazon. It’s an inspiring story about how to go from being in debt, take more loans and start making money online.
Show notes
Olav’s history is really intriguing. Originally coming from Estonia Olav has started his first business only with few hundred dollars, no knowledge about sales and in a foreign country – Los Angeles, USA. A few years back he went to the US to start a business with his friends that didn’t go very well. He ended up in debts, broke with having no money for food or rent. He used all his imagination, borrowed a few thousand dollars from his friend and started selling his products door to door. He never has done this before, it was very difficult but on the first day, he earned $20-$30 dollars. He spent this money on food, but the feeling he felt after earning these $20-$30 dollars he will never forget. It was a moment of satisfaction and nothing could motivate him more. He proceeded with selling his product door to door and started earning some money. At that time he didn’t even think of selling his product on Amazon, he didn’t even know that ordinary people can sell there until one day somebody asked him why he is not selling his products on Amazon. And then everything started. Firstly he didn’t know about Amazon FBA and was shipping his products himself. Again he learned about this accidentally when leaving the USA for good. When he and his girlfriend landed in Finland they found out that his products have arrived to Amazon FBA Warehouse and that this way he made more money than selling door to door in the US.
Olav’s story is the one to learn from and get inspired from. He even had his original and different approach to marketing just because he had no knowledge of it. He was giving his business cards to people, again – door to door, in person. But on that business card, he had a picture of his product and where people can buy it on Amazon. He also was sending personal emails to people in his target category introducing himself and advertising his product. He did this without emailing campaigns, manually. Some people even replied to him and bought his product which is also a perfect example of how consistency and being honest in what you do can help you receive people’s attention.
Olav has sold his first company a few years ago. It wasn’t making millions, but he was able to get a couple of thousand dollars per month in profit which is not bad for a self-starter who had no one helping him out in this changing world of sales. Having such a good experience and having learned everything the hard way Olav now has a new company that brings him $50k in revenue per month and is not looking to sell it yet.
We hope this short story of a personal approach to the sales world will inspire you not to sit and wait for anything to happen but to start and try it out your way. Luckily there is Orange Klik that might help you in getting there faster.
About Olav Vannik
Olav Vannik is an entrepreneur who dropped out of university. He started his first e-commerce business when he was 24 years old and has never looked back since that. He successfully sold his first Amazon FBA business and is now building a new one.